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January 16, 2014


Climate Change Is Not The Problem – Fuel Poverty Is

by CJ Orach - peopleneedpower

To all the fear mongers out there whose anti-fossil fuel ideology demonstrates they appear to hate poor people and want everyone to go back to living in the dark ages before fossil fuel was available YOU FIRST!!! 

“Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry’s at Senate hearing: ‘Attempts to modify the climate through reducing CO2 emissions may turn out to be futile’ – UN IPCC now making ‘a weaker case for anthropogenic global warming’

The Greens who use of smears against anyone who disagrees with them shows how desperate they are becoming as the tenets behind climate change theory aka global warming theory crumble 

The dirty little secret of the followers of climate change theory is they believe “humans are a plague on the earth” or “pests” who are responsible for destroying Mother Earth. 

 What is ironic is that the believers in Climate Change Theory are the ones most responsible for destroying Mother Earth via their pursuit of toxic and destructive green energy like Solar, Wind Turbines and Biofuel.
4 Comments Post a comment
  1. Jan 18 2014
  2. Jan 17 2014
  3. Jan 17 2014

    Fuel poverty is the direct result of these historical events from 1905 to 1972:

    1. In 1905, Einstein showed mass (m) is stored energy (E): E = mc^2

    2. By 1922 Aston had measured the exact masses of most atoms and reported in the last paragraph of his Nobel Lecture on 12 Dec 1922 that the human race will now “have at its command powers beyond the dreams of scientific fiction” !

    Click to access aston-lecture.pdf

    How did humans use the powers beyond the dreams of scientific fiction” ? To kill, or to threaten to kill, citizens and leaders of other nations from 1945 to 1968:

    _ o In August 1945 allied forces released “powers beyond the dreams of scientific fiction” from the cores of uranium and plutonium atoms to vaporize Hiroshima and Nagasaki and kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

    _ o [On 12 Aug 1945 Japan may have exploded an atomic bomb off the coast of Konan, Korea, and later in August 1945 Japan’s atomic bomb production facility and nuclear scientists may have been captured by USSR troops that had invaded Korea and Manchuria.]

    _ o On 24 Oct 1945 the United Nations was established, but the Cold War continued to threaten the survival of mankind.

    _ o After 1945 fuel poverty was created by decisions to hide the source of energy in cores of heavy atoms, some planets, ordinary stars and galaxies by promoting falsehoods as consensus science:

    _ Falsehood #1: Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Sun and other stars.
    _ Falsehood #2: Stars burn, rather than generate and discard, hydrogen.
    _ Falsehood #3: Neutrons bind to other neutrons in the atomic nucleus.
    _ Falsehood #4: Weizsacker’s deceptive “nuclear binding energy” replaced Aston’s rigorously valid “nuclear packing fraction” in most textbooks of physics and chemistry

    _ o On 25 May 1961 President Kennedy announced the Apollo program to send man to the Moon and back before 1970.

    _ o On 30 Oct 1961 the USSR exploded the Tsar bomb, about 3,000 times more powerful than the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


    _ o On 15-28 Oct 1962 the Cuban Missile Crisis put the world on brink of nuclear war.

    _ o On 22 Nov 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

    _ o On 6 June 1968, Senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated.

    3. In July 1971, Henry Kissinger secretly flew to China to make an agreement to end the Apollo space program, the space race, and the Cold War.

    4. On 5 Jan 1972, Richard Nixon announced the end of the space race and the Apollo program.

    • Jan 17 2014

      Sadly, we cannot now safely harvest the abundant energy stored as mass because we have trained engineers and technicians with seriously flawed science since the end of WWII.

      Official deceit was the way “We shot ourselves in the foot !”


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