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December 16, 2014


Germany has a suicidal streak

by CJ Orach - peopleneedpower

Germany Is drinking the green poison Kool Aid. Germany is pouring billions of government subsidies into unsustainable and unreliable green energy like wind and solar that has no impact on carbon emissions and is destroying their economy. Will the U.S. follow their suicidal lead or stop drinking the green poison Kool Aid?

Energy is essential to an advanced economy. Germany is and should continue to be the strongest economy in Europe.

However, they keep nippin’ on the poison kool aid of green ideology. They even have a commie green party in the government.

And of course the lefties have taken over. Remember that their leader Angela Merkel, was once an East German commie leader–the apple doesn’t fall far from that tree.

Here’s Marita Noon’s essay on the German situation.

For immediate release: December 15, 2014.

Commentary by Marita Noon

Executive Director, Energy Makes America Great Inc.

Contact: 505.239.8998,

Germany’s “energy transformation:” unsustainable subsidies and an unstable system

Perhaps when Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel was a child, she attend a party and was the only one who came without a present, or wearing inappropriate attire—and the embarrassment she felt haunts her to this day. That’s how psychodynamic psychology (Freud) might explain her…

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1 Comment Post a comment
  1. Dec 17 2014

    The Nobel Lecture by Aston in 1922 and unreported CHAOS and FEAR of nuclear annihilation in Aug-Sept 1945 frightened world leaders into:

    1. Uniting Nations in Oct 1945
    2. Paying scientists with public funds after 1945 to hide the energy that vaporized Hiroshima.

    German theoretical nuclear physicist, Dr. Carl von Weizsacker’s deceptive concept of “nuclear binding energy” played a key role in preventing human access to Aston’s 1922 promise of “powers beyond the dream of scientific fiction”:

    Click to access CHAOS_and_FEAR_August_1945.pdf


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